Our Solution

Our solution clearly illustrate positive value of walking both the walker and impact to the locale that the walking will take place.

Social presence plays an important role in social networking games. The equation to create this degree of awareness is social presence in a communication interaction, developing or
maintaining a degree of personal relationship. This could be the essential motivation and encouragement to sustain user-walking attitude.

Final Design
We went through several iterations of prototyping and evaluation. Our final design includes a mobile device and an associated Facebook application. The footshaped mobile device, a visual metaphor for walking, works as a physical artifact for users to interact with others in the virtual world via a Facebook plug-in and Google map platform. Through iterative design process, we implement several prototypes for design evaluation.

There are two design strategies we applied in our design development:
Turning point
In the context of each riding journey, there are several important moments with opportunities to affect users’ decision making. Those turning points include the time they approach, see and sit on the motorcycles, and the time they turn the key to start the motorcycles. Hence, one of the most significant design concepts here is to remind users to reconsider their riding decision and to manifest the consequence of their decision with different types of feedback.

Social Network
Based on the study, our target users tend to ride motorcycles due to several perceptions about walking, such as time consuming and the tediousness. Hence we tried to enrich the whole walking experience by providing more available social contacts. Besides, social relationships also have strong influence on a person’s perception and attitude toward their own behaviors.

Our main design concept is to apply a person’s existing social relationships to encourage and to remind one to walk while user approaches the motorcycles. Our design also provides the sense of companionships when the user decides to walk. Through simple social interactions with friends, the whole context and experience of walking will be enriched. Besides, the activities of reminder sending and decision making will be aggregated. Showing historical information also increases the chance of making good decisions at next turning point.

System Diagram and Structure
FootPal contains a mobile device on the key chain and a Facebook application. The mobile device sends the current mobility status (e.g. walking, riding or going to ride) to friends’ mobile devices and as well as the web platform. As the diagram shows (Fig-5), when a user is
approaching the motorcycle, the device will send the warning message to his/her friends who can then send an emoticon, a vibration or a caution message back to encourage the user to walk from their mobile devices. Friends can also sent the warning text message from the Facebook app to the user. Through this immediate social feedback, we expect riders to change their mind
to walk in short daily trips and make that moment as a turning point of their lifestyle.

1. Persuasive technique- to create a new experience that influences people to walk more.

2. Showing the consumed energy and physiology status in a competitive game. 

3. Companionship

4. Lucid interface on device and web platform

5. Visual metaphor foot keychain as reminder

The connection between motorcyclist riding & walking experience based on


We present a mobile device entitled FootPal and an
associated Facebook app. FootPal keychain acts a
social mediator and a tracking device to encourage
motorcycle riders to walk for short-distance trips by
using social persuasion and self-awareness.
In the design evaluation, most users agreed that the
encouragement of friends can change their behavior.
The mobile device not only provides social contact with
others but also truly presents that every moment of
decision making is the turning point in their life.



We found 10 influential turning point for user bad habit on vehicle dependency to an important change takes place that affects the future walking desire.

1. The moment of taking a key when you out
2. The moment of look into motorcycle
3. The moment of sit on motorcycle
4. The moment of insert key in the key hole
5. The moment of starting engine
6. After engine start
7. The moment of looking at other walking
8. The moment of can’t find a parking space
9. The moment of stop engine
10. The moment of taking out key from motorcycle


l  同時是手環以及鑰匙圈:當手環使用時可以收納鑰匙(攜帶方便),插在車上就是一般的鑰匙圈。
l  資訊內容:內容如時間(手錶、計時功能)walking vs riding miles(提醒多走路)Karma(社交或遊戲等可以競爭比較的)、體脂肪血脂肪等資訊(健康上面的log),前幾次「轉捩點」做決策的紀錄。
l  資訊顯示方式:顏色(社交遊戲等可競爭比較的、pattern樣式改變、時間、或是一整排的國王企鵝死翹翹)Size-Form factor(不走路會越來越癡肥)、聲音(女兒嬌嗲呢喃小叮嚀),震動。
l  其他:藍芽傳輸資訊(walking vs riding miles)、GPS定位(短程path所花時間的比較)、計步器、timer(碼表或是時鐘)、心跳脈搏(給運動愛好者的部份)、聲音播放? USB connector, memory chips.

l  儀表板:可配合顯示資訊(請考慮私人資訊的顯示方式或是有趣的社會壓力顯示方式,當然不一定要在儀表板)可以考慮手機外掛儀表板上。
l  機車車殼可考慮具顯示器功能。
l  車頭燈:可以當projector?

l  配合顯示資訊
l  由於這些平台本身就有很多其他功能,如果能巧妙的配合我們的概念而拿來應用當然最好,但是不能搶過turning point還有「走路」和「短程騎車」的重要性~

For more details:

User-Centered Design

Social Connections for Cognitive Fitness